Basic Policy on Information Security
SGH Global Japan believes that it is our social responsibility to protect our information assets, including those entrusted to us by our customers, in order to play a role in economic and social development and to be a useful company for society.
We have established the following basic policy for information security, and are committed to maintaining and managing information security.
Maintenance and Implementation of Internal Rules
The Company shall develop information security rules and other regulations and implement information security measures in accordance with this policy.
Maintenance of Information Security Management System
We shall establish and operate a management system for information security, as well as a system to cooperate with external organizations as necessary.
Information Security Measures
We shall take appropriate information security measures to prevent falsification, loss, leakage, unauthorized intrusion, or other interference with the use of our information assets.
Intermittent Education
We will make every effort to ensure that our directors, officers, employees, and others are thoroughly familiar with this policy, and will continue to provide the necessary education on information security.
Response to Accidents
In the unlikely event of an accident, we will promptly investigate the cause of the accident, prevent the spread of damage, and implement measures to prevent recurrence.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We will comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules regarding information security.
Evaluation and Review of Information Security Activities
We will periodically review that information security is properly operated and maintained, and implement improvement measures as necessary.